Barnabas Center, Inc.
Nonprofit Organizations
Many people know BARNABAS operates the 'New to You' Resale Store, proceeds from which help fund BARNABAS programs. What many may not realize, is that BARNABAS is a safety net for Nassau County individuals and families in crisis - helping to ease their stress and stabilize their lives by providing food, assistance with utility bills, rent or mortgage, as well as medical and dental services for uninsured adults. BARNABAS serves over 5,000 participants a year and has received the top ranking of 4 stars from Charity Navigator for the past nine consecutive years, making it among the top 1% of non-profits nationwide rated by the organization that rates and ranks non-profits for financial accountability and transparency. Your contributions of time, talent and treasures are always welcome. For more information please call (904) 261-7000 or visit www.BarnabasNassau.org.