Andrea F. Lennon, P.A. Attorney at Law
If you are buying, selling or building a home in Florida, real estate firm Andrea F. Lennon, P.A. ensures smooth, worry-free transactions. Our staff stays with you at every step of the home-buying, home-selling and home-building process. Andrea F. Lennon, P.A. also handles all aspects of commercial real estate transactions. With extensive experience in commercial real estate, we provide you with effective, skillful representation. We conduct all commercial real estate transactions meticulously and with methodical attention to all of the important details. If you are a residential or commercial real estate owner or buyer, you want protection for the property you own or are purchasing. That protection is title insurance. Andrea F. Lennon, P.A. ensures that the property you are buying is free of all unacceptable liens, encumbrances, title defects and more. Title insurance is your protection — as a lender or a homeowner — against these risks.