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UltraShred Technologies at the Chamber

Monday, April 28, 2025 (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)


Join us for UltraShred Technologies at the Nassau County Chamber of Commerce on Monday, April 31st from 8:00-10:00 AM. This event will allow Chamber members to securely and easily destroy paper documents, while simultaneously building awareness about how to protect important information.

UltraShred Technologies, a document destruction service, will be at the Chamber to collect and destroy your papers with a mechanical device. This event is for the destruction of paper documents ONLY. Please do not bring any hazardous waste, any material that is highly flammable, explosive, toxic, a biohazard, medical waste, radioactive, or any material that is illegal or unsafe.

Cost: Free 

UltraShred Technologies is free for Chamber members and is unavailable for prospective members. Advanced registration is required


This will be a drive-thru event, so please see the map below. We ask that if you turn in from Amelia Island Pkwy, you bypass the parking lots and enter at the first turn to the driveway in front of the Chamber office. You will have the chance to unload any papers from your car in the driveway for the Shred-It truck.

To attend events either at no cost or at a reduced rate, your employer must be a current member of the Chamber, and you must be listed as a bona fide contact for that business. Nonprofit organizations with paid employees may designate those employees as contacts to attend events; nonprofits run solely by volunteers may designate only one contact to attend events.

Are you interested in joining the Nassau County Chamber of Commerce? Have questions? Contact the Chamber office at (904) 261-3248 or at for information.  

To sign up for text message reminders click here.

Nassau County Chamber of Commerce
961687 Gateway Blvd. Suite 101-G
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 United States
Event Contact
Allyson Myrick
Send Email
Monday, April 28, 2025 (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
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